Everyday StoriesYYY
Friday, September 26, 2008,10:12 PM
Jack's Place
baobei's reservist eventually started this wednesday. so hate his schedule, damn lousy. think he used up all his luck during his last *pouts*
met up with him yesterday, and we had a tiff. well, i shall not elaborate much here, as it all started with sth stupid and the whole quarrel was seriously ridiculous. mostly, i was at fault, but just too stubborn to admit. and also seeing the way he reacted immediately caused me to fire up. shit, talk about two headstrong ones trying to stick together - they just don't compromise.
anyway, after one long and uncomfortable 'talk', we made up and went for our dinner (truth was, i was starving like i had not eaten for days). we went to Jack's Place @ The Heeren. It's been very long since i stepped into one, and i really lost touch with what they have to offer, i only knew there are steaks and more steaks.
i opened up their menus, and was at a loss, i can't make up my mind on which to order. i was hoping for a nice dessert, but their dessert menu was disappointing, nothing special or out of ordinary. no chocolate fondue too.. what was i thinking huh... =(
finally set my mind on ordering 'Steak and Catfish', whereas baobei ordered 'Mixed Steak', as he too can't make up his mind on what he wants =D it comprises steak, bacon, lamb chop, chicken, hot dog etc.. quite a nice combination for a meat eater.. heh heh...
they are sloooowwwwwwww in serving, my tummy was growling hard as the time ticked by, trying hard to not look at the deliciously-looking garlic bread that they provided us with. kept myself busy taking photos of my cute baobei..
- a little bit of sidetrack
haha, oh my gosh, he look so cute with his 'specially for reservist' haircut =P and i can keep touching his hair! yay! cos usually he will use gel to hold up his hair and i cannot touch it when he does that =( *baobei, i don't mind, you can must keep your hair this way for as long as you i like. hee..*
ahhhh... food finally arrived, sizzling hot on hotplate. i'm not sure but i think it's just me, i personally don't like their steak or their way of food serving. after a few mouthful, i felt sick of the taste. there isn't any coleslaw or salad or fries to go with their steak, only meat. i requested for 'medium well', but still tot it smelled a little bloody. sure there was this whole potato, but it doesn't have the refreshing taste that coleslaw offers. i don't like their catfish too.. tot the meat tasted a little fishy.
hmm~ frankly speaking, i did thought that those western food that you can find in foodcourt tasted much more better. and they are wayyyyyy cheaper than Jack's Place. hahaha. well,,, i guessed expensive food just doesn't suit my tummy and my taste buds.
baobei said that the food on his plate were not that nice too, but he like their steak.. hmm~ i just wanted nice and pretty dessert!!! =(
but their service was great! nice and helpful staffs, refilling your glass of water, any request was done promptly. good service!
while waiting for our food =)
- steak and catfish
- mixed steakLabels: *in love*, food
Monday, September 22, 2008,11:52 PM
The Love of My Life
after spending 3 days straight with my baobei.. i'm missing him already.
i don't mind spending time with him 24/7.. hee. how nice will it be if only we can heck care about money,, den i don't have to work, and will be able to stick to him like a super glue, a bee to honey or a koala bear to a tree.
such a nice week, met up with him for so many days. and 3 days might seem long to you, but it just flew past like its non-existant. why does the weekends past so fast?! and the weekdays seems forever. hate it!!!
i hate this week too.. can't see my baobei, cos he gg reservist.. and goodness knows when his reservist is gg to end (can't rmb the exact date, i just know its freaking long, like 2~3 weeks?) .. sat night i started to be moody liao.. and can you imagine sunday.. and sunday night.. hais.. so dread the starting of the week =(((
it's true how my world revolves around him, and him only.
i'm a goner without him, like a light without the light bulb, a moon without the stars, a world without the colours; a Shamain without the heart, the direction, and the purpose of living.
my world used to be in black and white, mundane and without a cause.
one day, he came into my life, he undid the tangles in my heart, he taught me how to love a person wholeheartedly, he proved that there are things such as real love.
i started to see things in a different light.
i realised how beautiful the world is, and i knew the reason i came into this world.

Labels: *in love*
Sunday, September 21, 2008,1:39 AM
Thursday, September 18, 2008,12:15 AM
disappointed with Singpost
went to view our new office yesterday. we are scheduled to shift on either end of this month or beginning of next month. the office is much bigger as compared to the current one as the entire floor is dedicated to only the work stations and nothing else. however, i still felt that it was a tad cramped, and there are far too many indivdual rooms than really needed, so these took up some spaces too. the setting of the work desks are such where one will be sitting next to each other, which i find there will be lesser privacy for all. i still prefer our current work stations as one is situated quite a few distance from another. plus, i prefer how they looked too.
fyi, we always have incoming shipment from our main production site, Switzerland every week.
anyway, today around 10+, i received a call from Singpost regarding our shipment. it turns out that our carton was torn and our items inside have come out of it. normally, they will send the parcel over, but this time round if they do so, it is an assumption that we have accepted and no compensation will be given should you later found that some of your items are missing.
we asked them to shoot some photos and email us for reference before we decided whether or not to make a trip.
but at that pt, i was already thinking that it must have been really bad, as usually even if there are some tore at the corner, they will just send over to us without informing.
true enough when i saw the photos that they sent, i was like.. "omg.. are you sure that was my shipment?" the carton was damaged beyond redemption!!! ('exclusive' photos below)
hence, we have no choice but to go to Paya Lebar Post office personally and check on the items, one by one.fortunately, none of the items were missing, which i find it quite amazing, as the carton was totally damaged, and the remains looked just like plain old junk.
sincerely hope that Swisspost and Singpost will take further care into shipping our items as this isn't the first time it happens, only that this time round, it was the worst.

Labels: at work
Monday, September 15, 2008,2:32 PM
monday BLUES again
it's Monday again!
but i'm not really feeling the blues today, in fact i'm still quite happy and positive about this week!
not surprising though.. as my baobei gonna meet up with me after my work. and he is so sweet larhz, woke up early just to msn with me, as he knew that my monday is boring, and he wanted to cheer me up!
wah~ so sweeeeeett lei. big KISS for you, MUACKKs!!!
despite the super huge red and painful zit on my nose, just by hearing these, is enough to keep my day going. hee =D
not only that, he got leave on both weekends too! yeah~ i'm so happy (:
i realised i really worry too much.
last sat after baobei sent me back, he had to rush to JB because of some issue.
i was so worried, as it was already very late at night, and the journey from the check point to the destination was like 1hr plus.
when i knew that his friend was going to drove him, i got more worried, haha.. somemore the reception not good, cannot even sms.
i couldn't get to sleep till nearly 5am. by 520am, i rec a sms by baobei notifying that he had reach home, whew~ and i can ease my mind.
even though i was kinda worried for the unnecessary, it proves that you truly meant so much to me (:
Labels: *in love*
Wednesday, September 10, 2008,2:23 PM
Chocolate Fondue - anyone?
* Haagen Dazs's Chocolate Fondue!!!*i'm so so so craving for Chocolate Fondue!!
and the most important criteria is the fondue must have ice creams to dip!
otherwise it will just be a very normal chocolate dip, nothing special.
so far, i've tried New York New York's and Haagen Dazs.
of course! Haagen Dazs wins two thumbs up!!!
the chocolate is so smooth and thick. they have small balls of ice creams in about 4 flavours, cake cubes, chocolate chip cookies and the usual love letters and fruits.
whereas the New York X2 only have the usual dippers - love letters and fruits
chocolate is normal, don't make me feel like glurping down the chocolate. haha.
the quantity is also smaller, about 2~3 person, of course the price is also alot cheaper. that time i ate was about S$17. not sure if the price has been adjusted or not.
whereas, Haagen Dazs can fill about 4~5 person, price is like S$39.95. but i heard that there was a price increase, now should be like S$45.. not too sure though.
anyway, wanted to try Maestro Bistro/ Swiss Culture, but Swiss Culture does not have ice cream.. so Swiss Culture.
Think i'll go for Maestro Bistro.
or maybe back to Haagen Dazs.. wondering if they have a smaller set, like for 1~2 pax.
oh.. just saw that Andersen's Of Denmark has chocolate fondue with ice cream too! shucks.. now i'm confused again.
* Andersen's Of Denmark's Chocolate Fondue!!!*
shucks! just found out today that the place where Maestro Bistro (Cine) is supposed to be, is taken up by Shokudo Japanese Pasta & Pizza. oh well.. one option down then.
Labels: food
Monday, September 08, 2008,12:30 PM
The Original "YOU COMPLAIN!" Series
it's time for ... "
i want to complain!!!!
this week is going to suck big time, i just know it!
i'm soooo used to meeting him at least one FULL day per week.. but, he got no weekends off this week. to add to my misery, he don't want meet me on one of his (2) off days, which is today.. the most dreadful monday!!! immediately, my monday has just become bluer.
he just don't get my point, why choose for it to be this week, where we only have so little time to spend together this wk, and on monday somemore. hais.
i'm already so dreading and hating this week that i'm ready to sob my eyes dry. and now, it has just become worse.
ahhhhhhh... might as well don't meet this whole week, maybe next week.. and the week after.. turn it into a marathon..
you can spend it all for your personal time.
who can understand how i feel. i seriously doubt it.
that's all for my complain. bye.
Labels: moody, rumbling^, sadness
Saturday, September 06, 2008,12:26 AM
he don't give a damn!
FIVE words: -- SElfIsH
- iNconSideraTE
- UnTHouGhtfUL
- inSENsiTivE
- NOT CaRIng
ONE question: -if that person don't give a damn or aren't the least concerned, WHY should I?i should just go straight to bed
right now, sleep my way through the weekends or hang out with friends. instead of staying up waiting, and end up being shoot by sentences such as, "i didn't asked for you to stay up and wait for me, you did it willingly, yet why do i get the feeling that i'm being blamed?" talk about being ungrateful and unappreciated.
oh god! i'm feeling fpeeved! i'm so hot, i'm going to evaporate off into the air anytime.
arghh, shit! this must be my retribution!!!!!
Labels: pissed off
Thursday, September 04, 2008,4:12 PM
Comex Fair
my 'efforts' went down the drain! haha. i wanted to go on a diet, as my tummy is too fat!
so yesterday lunch, i decided not to eat. but got really hungry, settled for an apple. omg, after eating that apple, i became all the more hungrier. so craving for mcdonald's fries, that when i met baobei, we rushed to the nearest mcdonald to munch on a real meal!
hmm, there goes my effort. lol! so lacking of determination. no food is like.. killing me ): doubt i'll ever be successful on a diet.
btw! i went to Comex fair on Sunday.
got myself a Toshiba Portégé M800. it was after much hesitation.
one side of me (angel) was saying, "no! you are saving up now. did you forget what we agreed just two days ago, after looking at the cash flow statement?".
but the other side (devil) was saying, "you should get it! it is a good deal, bet you can't find this great deal anywhere else!"
angel: "but.. do i really need it? i mean, i have a computer at home, and its screen is huge, speed is fast, and working great."
devil: "aiya, just get lar, need or not, buy already then say. anyway, i bet you will need it some other time also, why not now?"
haha! there was some commotion inside me -_-lll
and there, i succumbed to temptation of being able to lie on my comfy bed while staying online. the thought was just too good to resist.
before the angel in me has any chance to retaliate, i confirm the purchase and proceed to payment.
and felt my heart aching when the person swipe my card! arghhhh!!!! this has got to be the most expensive toy i got for myself using my hard earned cash!!!! almost fainted when i saw my bank balance *faints*
ahh.. what's done cannot be undone. so i better love my laptop, and treat it well..
at least make my money work for me.
btw! thanks baobei for letting me signed up for the vodafone mobile broadband under your name together with you, cos you don't want to see me disappointed, as i can't sign up because i didn't bring my IC. love you (: *muacks*
Labels: happy, rumbling^